Who as we noted here at Far East Cynic HQ , last year, would be Sen Tom Cotton (douche bag-AR)-a worthless man, the freshman Senator from Arkansas, who seems not to have a very good understanding of his place in the United States government.
However when we wrote about him then, we were just decrying his stupidity when it came to foreign policy and demonstrating that he really had not done very much except show that he needs to take some remedial lessons on geography and history. Little did we realize at the time, that he was truly a fucking asshole and had no soul whatsoever. As it turns out, he had bigger ambitions on his mind, ambitions that included joining a list of folks who had sold their souls to Satan.
This is what hitting rock bottom looks like:
In early 2014, after decades of government and nonprofit work that reflected a passion for public service, Cassandra Butts got a reward — or so she thought. She was nominated by President Obama to be the next United States ambassador to the Bahamas.
It wasn’t an especially high-profile gig at the crossroads of the day’s most urgent issues, but it was a longstanding diplomatic post that needed to be filled, and she had concrete ideas about how best to do the job.
“She was very excited,” her sister, Deidra Abbott, told me.
The Senate held a hearing about her nomination in May 2014, and then … nothing. Summer came and went. So did fall. A new year arrived. Then another new year after that.
When I met her last month, she’d been waiting more than 820 days to be confirmed. She died suddenly two weeks later, still waiting. She was 50 years old.
The delay had nothing to do with her qualifications, which were impeccable. It had everything to do with Washington. She was a pawn in its power games and partisanship.
At one point Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, had a “hold” on all political nominees for State Department positions, partly as a way of punishing President Obama for the Iran nuclear deal.
At another point Senator Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, put a hold specifically on Butts and on nominees for the ambassadorships to Sweden and Norway. He had a legitimate gripe with the Obama administration over a Secret Service leak of private information about a fellow member of Congress, and he was trying to pressure Obama to take punitive action. But that issue was unrelated to Butts and the Bahamas.
Cotton eventually released the two other holds, but not the one on Butts. She told me that she once went to see him about it, and he explained that he knew that she was a close friend of Obama’s — the two first encountered each other on a line for financial-aid forms at Harvard Law School, where they were classmates — and that blocking her was a way to inflict special pain on the president.
Got that? Not about any significant legislative issue with an obviously qualified nominee for what is not necessarily a critical diplomatic post. All because he wanted to play out the role of spoiled child.
Some people are ideologues. Some people are charlatans. Some people are opportunists. And some people are simply raging, flaming holes of pure ass. As Bruni's column makes clear, at least in the case of Tom Cotton, these categories are far from mutually exclusive.
Oh and by the way, Cotton's office does not dispute any part of this story. But Dudley Douchebag tried to paper over his evil by saying he,"had enormous respect for her and her career."
Sure you did, shit for brains.
Since Tom Cotton believes he is saved by grace, he seems to think that gives a pass on behaving like a decent human being. News Flash! –It doesn't.
Tom Cotton weaponized a dying woman's final days in order to "inflict special pain" on the president. Tom Cotton is a petty, sadistic swine who has the basic conscience of a cholera outbreak. He should be shamed from office, and he should be shunned by decent people.
Charlie is being way too nice here.