More and more men are showing up for body pump class.
I do not consider it a positive development.
After class, when Angie the dominatrix instructor was done showing us how fit she is, and how unfit I am- I went in to the locker room, changed into my swim suit, and meandered to the jacuzzi. It almost felt better than an orgasm to get in that water. Notice I said, almost.
In the jacuzzi pool were four young men ( boys) and a girl. The girl was wearing a bikini and the boys were obviously trying to impress said specimen of woman hood. I being the old man ( at least as far as they were concerned) just crouched in the pool and listened to what they had to say.
The were discussing drinking a mix of Red Bull and something else I did not quite hear. They referred to it as two uppers and one big downer. Now I guess I am showing my age-but I never thought that was the right way to impress chicks. Then again, my conversation with strange women these days mostly consists of: ” I’m American, I’m staying at [fill in the blank] and how long have you been in [also fill in the blank], where in [Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, China] are you from?”
Probably the most interesting thing to me was the vitality and sheer enthusiasm in their faces. Everything was still an adventure out there waiting. Life had yet to beat them down. One of the guys talked about heading down to Auburn this weekend for a “PJ” party. ( PJ for those who don’t know is that magic elixir created with fruit juice and grain alcohol guaranteed to make just about any women who consumes several glasses part with bra and/ or panties). I turned my head away and smiled-somethings don’t really seem to change.
Oh to be their age and know what I know now. The girl soon left the pool and they followed in hot pursuit. She was quite trim and the physical maladies of life were all downstream for her. No post partum fat for a while me thinks.